Eating Proper Diet for Healthy Life

This is your invitation to discover how good health begins
with a rainbow of color.
Plant nutrients are essential to good health. That’s why health experts
recommend eating a rainbow of different brightly-colored fruits and
vegetables every day. Unfortunately, most people don’t reach the
recommended goal of 9-13 daily servings very often – so many of us
miss out on some important health benefits.
The healthful plant nutrient compounds that make fruits and vegetables so colorful are plentiful in Nutrilite supplements. You can trust Nutrilite vitamins, minerals and supplements to fill in your daily nutritional gaps as you "color yourself healthy."
Colorful Fruits and Vegetables are the Secret to Good Health
To be as healthy as you can be, you should try to eat every color of fruit and vegetable every day. That’s because each color contains different plant nutrients, or phytonutrients, which act as antioxidants to protect your cells and also have specific health benefits.
View our "color wheel" that illustrates why science recommends a daily diet of colorful fruits and vegetables. Check out the specific nutrients for each color, what key vegetables are in each color.
where do nutrients come from?
The natural, protective substances found in plants that also give them their unique color are called phytonutrients (or "plant nutrients"). To get the full range of health benefits associated with plant nutrients, you should eat a rainbow of color every day.
For ordering:
Agustinus Supriyono
+62 81 327 305 151
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